Copernicus’s Annotation Annotation ID: 14 Authentic: Authentic Non-Authentic Unknown Volume: Czartoryski number: 1 Library: Uppsala. Sign: Copernicana 6 # Book: ID: 2 Author: Haly Albohazen. Title:In iudiciis astrorum URL: Folio: 66rb Image: [Download] Resolution dpi: Style: Terminus Post Quem: Terminus Ante Quem: Unknown Hand A (Gothic) Hand B (Humanistic) Mixed Comments: Scan page 69. B6. Sig. 66rb =same chapter, in a section dealing with the interpretation of the ruler of the ascendant in the twelve houses Title added in margin: ‘Dominus asc[endentis] per domos’. Copernicus also numbered each paragraph 2 to 12 in the margin. After the twelfth paragraph, Haly returns to the meaning of the ruler of the ascendant in the sixth house, to which Copernicus added in the margin the title ‘Dominus asc[endentis] in sexta’. Volume Book Home Search Previous Back Next